10 Impact Of Following Rules In Real Life
Rules and Regulations are made for the betterment of mankind we all know that without rules law and order in the country doesn’t matter where you are living whether you are living in the United States.
So either you are living in any kind of a country you have to make sure that there are some rules and regulations in the country and in the site in which you are living otherwise there is going to be a disorder in everything that you are going to do in life especially if you are a child you have to make sure that you will not get carried whatever kind of personal information is given to you by the people.
if you are responsible to use your brain and at accordingly if you do not use your brain and do not use your common sense you will face the consequences in the future and it will damage your health care as well because any kind of behavior either it is positive or negative it has its own impact of the society.
Now we are going to discuss how rules are enforced in the classroom or real life and what Could Be The Impact Of Following Rules In Real Life?
We all know that if we follow rules and regulations and act accordingly the life is going to be very pleasant and law and order will be there in our society.
It is very unfortunate that we are living in the age of social media and we have forgotten our duties and ethics. Nowadays many of the responsible citizens poor responsible at some point in time they are not full filling the expectations of the people and the country because rules and regulations should be followed by the lead class first and then you can ask the common man and the common people act accordingly.
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Because it is a lead class that has been disturbing the whole environment and not falling the rules and regulations and some silly and disgusting norm culture is always there in our society social norm some of them are very good but some of them are really disturbing the working of our society in a very dangerous way.
1. Law and order
It is a very common thing and a common sense that everybody, if everybody is falling the law in a very respective way in a specially the powerful people, especially the class who has been dominating the sitting in a very different way.
I mean the stakeholders in the bureaucrats and the government itself should follow the rules and regulations first then you can control and ask the people to control these social diseases and control diseases that have been going out which is the reason that there is a difference between the classes elite and the lower class before coming to your adult.
It is very important to teach your kids that you have to act like a responsible person in your daily life you shouldn’t be the reason because somebody is getting anxiety because of you if you are living that kind of a life your definitely not living a responsible life.
2. Equality (Impact Of Following Rules)
We all know that if everybody is falling the rules and regulations regularly it gives you a sign of equality in the society and the people are treated in an equal manner which is a very positive sign to have.
It’s very true and it’s your responsibility that you should promote equality in any way possible because when you are falling the rules and regulations that are given by the government and the people who are empower and the people in power or also following that rules that is one of the most pleasing things to have.
3. Power in the public
If the people in power are following the rules and regulations and the common man in the people in the public seas that regularly it gives the public a power of asking questions to the people who are in the lead class that what are the policies that they are making and what are the consequences are there.
If they fail to implement those policies it gives you responsible kind of feeling what you are in the matter what you are doing in your life and give the courage to the public to ask questions to the government and the people which is the good sign of democracy.
4. The smooth functioning of life
It is very pleasant on the eye when everything is working in the right manner and everything is working according to the law and order it is very good to see at here.
So if everybody is falling the rules and regulations in that is one of the most pleasant that you can have in your life it’s your responsibility that you act like a responsible citizen and everybody should follow the rules and regulations for the betterment of society and working of life because smooth functioning of life is a sign of prosperity in the country.
5. Getting the right thing done
Rules and regulations also help us to get the right thing done in the right manner because we all know that sudden things are going to be done in a certain way and these are the certain rules that which people and the slightly have given to us.
So if you know that how the things are going to be done in the right way there is not going to be any kind of headache for the people that how to do the small things in life, unfortunately, the current scenario in our world is very different everybody is getting frustrated by the law and order because nothing has been implemented so far according to the law.
6. Fairness in the society
When you follow the rules and regulations there in a sign of fairness in the society and everything looks like is working according to the law and they won’t be any kind of red tape and the chaos the society.
So promoting equality and fairness is very important in our life and to do that rules and regulations should be made and they should be followed in a right manner.
7. Justice (Real Life)
In order to get justice there are some rules and regulations and when you are following those rules and regulations in your society and the place which you are working and living and even studying it gives you the sign of justice.
Because everything needs to be done in any kind of institute for example if you are in an academic you have to work on your assignments and academic record and if you know that there is going to be justice and rules and regulations are going to be followed in the right manner you are right is not going to be damaged by any authority or any kind of a powerful people who has the resources.
8. Functioning of the people
If you want the people to function in the right matter and a positive way then there will be rules and regulations in any kind of society for the betterment of the traffic and so that the traffic can work in the right manner and no such incident which is disturbing for society and the people.
For example, it is a very disturbing thought for the people and especially for the people who lost their love once in that exchange so it is very important to have rules and regulations in the society if you want the people to work in the right manner and without any kind of a confusion and distractions.
9. Safety of the people
Just imagine there are no rules and regulations on the road what will happen on the roads and how the traffic is going to work obviously there are going to be somewhere car accidents and the people are going to lose their lives in that instant and destruction and chaos will take place.
So it’s very important to have rules and regulations in outside if you want to the people and the things to work in a proper manner. We all know that we are living in a very sensitive society and everybody is very sensitive about their loved ones and the people to whom they are very attached to so in order to ensure their safety it’s your responsibility to follow the rule the regulations in a right manner.
10. Peace in the society
When we are following the rooms in regulations without any kind of hesitation and without any kind of a hurdle or disturbance definitely it promotes peace and prosperity in our society and nobody is hesitant enough that is rights are going to be violated.
Because rules and regulations are being followed by the people and nobody is going to set up a disturbing kind of a friend that is going to violet the working of the society and the peace of society which is more important to us.
Because we all know that everybody wants peace and prosperity in his her life and we can do anything to achieve that so in order to achieve that you have to follow the rules and regulations and encourage others to follow the rules which are made by the people and the government.
To conclude we can say that rules and regulations are very important in our life and rules and regulations are also made for the betterment and the safety of the people who are living in that society doesn’t matter what kind of country and which kind of a culture you belong to there will be some rules and regulations for your own benefit and your safety.
So if you are responsible day and your duty to follow s which are made for your own benefit and safety and the student shouldn’t be shamed of following those rules and regulations.