10 Reasons Why Is It Easier To Do Good During Ramadan?

The ninth month of the Islamic calendar is Ramadan, during which doing good deeds is considered compulsory, and refraining from bad deeds becomes challenging due to practices such as fasting and prayer, etc. Why does this happen? In the eleven months except Ramadan, Muslims are busy in daily life but when Ramadan comes, The environment becomes such that everyone does good deeds.
We sometimes commit sin by mistake because we are human but the best human being is the one who repents after committing a mistake, so the month of Ramadan is the month of repentance, And a Muslim can seek forgiveness from Allah Almighty for his sins.
Why do Muslims who know the importance of Ramadan always want to do a good deed? Because he knows that mistakes will be easily forgiven in Ramadan. Therefore, we will explain 10 reasons why is it easier to do good during Ramadan:
10 Reasons Why Is It Easier To Do Good During Ramadan
Here are the reasons why why is easier to do good during Ramadan:
1. All Devils Are Locked During Ramadan
Every word said by prophet Muhammad Pbuh is true and it is a fact that every prophecy of the Prophet of Allah swt Muhammad SAW, has been fulfilled. Prophet PBUH said: When Ramadan begins, the gates of Paradise are opened, the gates of Hell are closed, and the devils are chained ( Bukhari: 3277 Muslim: 1079).
But you should know that there are some people who do devilish things but they are not close, so it is advised to be careful with such people. Never make friends with such people, because you easily fall into bad habits.
2. Get Inspiration from others
The atmosphere in Ramadan Mubarak becomes such that everyone strives to please Allah Almighty. A Muslim should strive to avoid bad habits during Ramadan Kareem because it’s a time when good deeds are rewarded more than in other months.
A Muslim sees his brother or his Muslim colleague going to the mosque to pray, Then, he sees the effect of their companionship, so he prays while watching them, and reads the holy Quran, so the atmosphere of Ramadan becomes such that everyone does good and it becomes easy for everyone to do good.
The positive reinforcement within the Muslim community during Ramadan, celebrating acts of kindness, creates a virtuous cycle that encourages further efforts.
3. Avoiding stress and negativity becomes easier
You should imagine when you wake up before dawn for the pre-dawn meal, suhoor with fellow Muslim friends, hearts filled with anticipation and camaraderie.
Most of the people suffer from mental stress for the same reason because they are free and thinking too much is very easy in those times. Now in Ramadan, everyone is not free because they are busy in praying, busy with Quran reciting. Ramadan is also a way to relieve mental stress and the easiest way to get rid of wrong thoughts is to fast in Ramadan.
4. Forgiveness of sins and forgiveness of people become easier
The reason is that considering Ramadan as a month of forgiveness, many people seek forgiveness from Allah because Allah forgives those who seek forgiveness. On the other hand, it is easy to forgive people in Ramadan because we want forgiveness but we are not ready to forgive any other person.
There is also a reason that some people often wait for the month of Ramadan to do good deeds because the virtue of doing any good deed in Ramadan increases. People wait for Ramadan to come and fulfill their good deeds. This is the reason why most people do not forgive on normal days, but they forgive in Ramadan.
5. Helping poor people and giving them food
There are many people in our society who are not lucky enough to have two meals a day. In normal months, people do not try to help the poor, but in Ramadan, the atmosphere becomes such that everyone gives food to the poor family. Help and care for your relatives and neighbors and send them food. By doing this, mutual love increases among people. This is the beauty of Ramadan that one Muslim cares for another Muslim.
6. Spiritual and physical health becomes powerful
Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan improves the health of a person but should avoid fried or salty food. Every Muslim should focus on their health because health is everything. Eating too much is not beneficial for our health and maintaining a sugar level is compulsory for us.
Fasting strengthens the spiritual and physical health of a person. Therefore, it becomes easy to do good deeds in Ramadan, because fasting in Ramadan improves the health of a person, and with good health, a person worships in a good way during this holy month.
7. The promise of reward for Muslims builds discipline and self-control
According to the hadith of the Messenger of Allah prophet Muhammad PBUH said: Allah Almighty said that fasting is for me and I will reward him.
The bad desire is very dangerous for spiritual health. Through fasting, it is easy to control every desire and such person can easily handle every situation. Every man should control his emotions and his desires. Fasting is the best way to add discipline in life because eating food until a specific time and not eating before a specific time is the lesson to make discipline.
8. Connection with Nature is good for us
Ramadan Mubarak brings us closer to nature and this connection is good for us. Why we say this because before Ramadan begins, we determine Ramadan by the moon. Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an that the moon, day and night, and the sun are the signs and this is a sign for those of understanding. The moon and these things of nature are very beneficial for us.
The changing of day and night, the changing of the sun and the moon, are signs for the wise As they obey with discipline, we should also maintain discipline in our lives.
9. Doing good deeds becomes easier with prayer
It becomes easier to pray (Salah) in Ramadan. A person can avoid vulgarity and evil deeds through prayer. This is the reason that when a person prays with his heart and prays with reverence and attention, then it is easy to do good deeds.
If he prays attentively, then Allah makes other good deeds easy for him, the love of Islam and good deeds is put into his heart and the love of Allah is put into his heart.
10. Zakat in Ramadan
The amount of charity given by people increases a lot in Ramadan. This is because in Ramadan, people feel a lot of love and compassion for their Muslim brothers and sisters. Instead of paying Zakat, which is an important pillar of Islam, people typically pay Zakat during Ramadan rather than other months.
Therefore they help their poor Muslim brothers and sisters who are fasting in fulfillment of Allah order because the people who are weak financially, they do not have enough resources for food and drink. In world, many muslims are fast on an empty stomach.
So, it is our responsibility to find them and give them food in the form of charity or in the form of zakat and zakat is obligatory for rich muslims and this is the order to pay 1 time in year. That is why many Muslims pay Zakat in Ramadan. Sadaqah al-Fitr is also paid before Eid al-Fitr.
In last, ramadan is not just abstaining from food and drink, it is the month in which we can make ourselves better in every aspect of life and in the future, this month has the ability and power to make our bad habits into good.
Remember, these are just some reasons why many Muslims find it easier to do good during Ramadan, but personal experiences vary on belief and commitment. However, keep in mind that understanding and implementing these factors allows us to appreciate the power of this holy month.
Hope you understand this article and I hope you will do good deeds in ramadan and in other months as well. What is your experience in the last ramadan and what is your goal in this ramadan?
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